Friday, March 28, 2008

2012 in relation to the matrix programming

This is a random chance of synchronicity that I bumped into somehow today. I thought it was quite apt, altho the part about the ET's is only correct in regards to there is a good side as well.
Author Unknown->

Self-determination, and the ability to decide the matters that affect one's life without interference, are basic things that any life form would want from its creator.

Beginning in October 1998, whenever I looked at a watch, clock, or any digital counter, it read either 1:11 or 11:11. And, as November 11 drew closer, so did the frequency of seeing the numbers. It got to a point that I actually thought I was going to die on that day. Though my fear was irrational, the repeating numbers were heralding a very special day in my life. On November 11, our cosmic computer programmers gave me a gift: the gift of enlightenment, the ability to see clearly. What I saw was the future. What I was told involved our sovereignty.

There comes a time when a sentient life form in a three-dimensional reality reaches the end of one level of reality and the beginning of the next. Our species appears to be at that plateau now. But before a life form can transcend to the next level, there is a test. The test involves a sentient life form's right to self-determination. The right of sovereignty is the right to freely make the decisions that affect its own existence, rather than having another intelligence make them. The right of non-interference has to be deserved. The life form must prove that it has earned that right. The weaning process is over. Pass the test and the life form attains sovereignty and can go through the cosmic portal to the next level. Fail, and the life form is terminated. "Computer! End program."

The test can take many forms, but we need only be concerned with our own. There are messages and metaphors that tell us what we can expect. They are there to guide us and we need to understand and translate them. There are also certain rules. Our species has free will. Free will involves the ability to make intelligent choices. Intelligent choices involve information.

So the first rule is that we have the right to know what is about to happen. We have the right to be informed and the information cannot be withheld from us. But there is a caveat. The information can be disseminated in any form, at any time, but to only a few people. The messenger is frequently tainted, so that the message will not be believed. This is the case whether the story appears in the National Inquirer, a grade B doomsday flick, a ridiculous scenario, or a hoaxed video or photograph. But they are all still messages for us. On one level, the truth or falsity is irrelevant. What is important is the fact that there is information. There is a message. We must learn how to interpret these messages. Everything has been orchestrated for our test. But what is our test about?

We have read about it in the Bible. We have seen it portrayed in movies and TV. It has been mentioned in books and songs. It has been prophesied and predicted. It is referred to as the "final conflict" or "final battle and the conflict of "good versus evil." It appears that we have chosen the Armageddon theme as the backdrop for our test. In this test, the antichrist takes the form of a benevolent extraterrestrial with magical technology, which promises to save us from whatever catastrophe of the time: if we give up our power to it.

The test involves both our collective rights as a species and, more importantly, our individual inner quest to retain our power and not continually yield it to other people and other things. The test will be conducted both externally, on the surface of the planet, and internally within each of us. We must first win the conflict within ourselves before we can win the conflict on the surface. The external conflict is a projection of our internal conflict.

The most important rule of our test is that we can only relinquish our power voluntarily. The rule states that it cannot be taken forcibly from us. The metaphor for this rule can be found in a defendant's confession. The police cannot force a defendant to confess, for if they obtain it by forcible compulsion, it will not be admissible in court. But the law allows the police to trick a defendant into confessing by lying about his fingerprints being on the gun, false promises of leniency, or that his accomplice has implicated him when he hasn't.

The test will begin soon. We are being programmed to believe in technologically advanced extraterrestrials. First contact will occur when we are most vulnerable, during a war, famine, plague, natural disaster, or something similar. There will be an offer to help. If we voluntarily give up our power to the "extraterrestrial," whether via lies or tricks, we will fail the test and be destroyed. We must see through the illusion, overcome our fears, and maintain our sovereignty. We must learn from the past. We have given our power of self-determination to the government through the elective process and they have controlled us. We have been warned of the consequences of such action.

We will need to state very clearly: "Thank you, but we can take care of our own problems." If we can do that, we will have retained our power and with it the ability to self-determine. More importantly, a new computer program will begin, unlike any we could have ever imagined. The program is already downloading. All we have to do is pass the test, then it will be switched on. Tentative date: the winter solstice of 2012.

I was also told on November 11, that there is a group on this planet that went through this test before at other times, on other places, and with other sentient life forms. We decided to come here now for this particular reason. We have been programmed to awaken at preselected times based upon preselected events. Mine was 11:11. Each of us has certain information that we all need to help our species pass this test. It is now time for this group to awaken and come together. I do not know who this group is. I suspect that it is not a coincidence that you are reading this now. I suspect that there are no coincidences, just synchronistic events of an overall plan. It is time to integrate our inner conflict. It is time to let go of fear and practice forgiveness. It is time for unconditional acceptance and a joining of our species.

The test is about to begin. Will you be ready?

1 comment:

rreeve said...

Very interesting article that stuck a serious chord with me. I can absolutly relate to everything you said. For the last year now I have been awakening and to some extent solving the code of this reality. I have been in states of deep awearness where I suddenly see the purpose for everything around me. Everything, even down to the smallest bit of litter on the floor is there for a reason. It is such a strange sense when it comes to me, so much so that words can not explain the complexities of our realities around us and their cause and effect and purpose. I've slipped into one of these states before where I was watching tv and suddenly the whole show I was watching was communicating something to me that I could fully understand. It was like every word, every action, every scene was working on two levels. One level was the dimension we normally percieve, i.e entertainment and the other level was so deep words cannot explain it, the only explaination I can give is it was beautiful and pure perfection. The message I was recieveing from this other level (and it was the same on every station while I was in this state) was it was time to accend and I was being told how.

As strange as this all sounds, I have never felt more alive in my life than when I moved into one of these states. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in my reality came into alignment and made perfect sense. These experiences have changed me because I see the patterns of this reality all the time now. To discribe it, I would say it's very simular to deja vu sort of remembering or discovering something that I always knew but it was previously suppressed.

This reality it revealing itself to us, were unlocking the matrixs so to speak. Soon it will be time for us to move onto new plains because this reality is falling appart day by day. I'm convinced the answer to this is asention.